Report for


Created on Tue Nov 15 13:34:41 UTC 2022 by runner
Executed features Passed Failures Errors Skipped Success rate Time
1 1 0 0 0 100.0% 0.059 seconds
The storage device reports missing resources
As a control unit
I want to know if there are enough resources in a storage unit to make a coffee drink
So that I will know if it is possible to prepare a beverage


should return the missing resources for the required drink Return
(0.010 seconds)
a storage unit with a certain amount of resources
we are querying the storage unit about the missing ingredients for making a coffee drink
we get a set containing the missing ingredients
resources in storage device, coffee drink and missing ingredients
water milk beans cups drink missingResources
0 0 0 0 Espresso [Water, CoffeeBeans, DisposableCups] OK (0.002 seconds)
0 0 0 0 Latte [Water, Milk, CoffeeBeans, DisposableCups] OK (0)
0 0 0 1 Latte [Water, Milk, CoffeeBeans] OK (0)
0 0 20 1 Latte [Water, Milk] OK (0)
0 75 20 1 Latte [Water] OK (0)
350 75 20 1 Latte [] OK (0)
349 74 19 0 Latte [Water, Milk, CoffeeBeans, DisposableCups] OK (0)
360 76 21 2 Latte [] OK (0.001 seconds)
200 100 12 1 Cappuccino [] OK (0)
199 99 11 0 Cappuccino [Water, Milk, CoffeeBeans, DisposableCups] OK (0.004 seconds)
455 395 84 0 Cappuccino [DisposableCups] OK (0.001 seconds)
800 650 0 45 Cappuccino [CoffeeBeans] OK (0)
750 0 95 7 Cappuccino [Milk] OK (0.002 seconds)
0 300 45 9 Cappuccino [Water] OK (0)
14/14 passed